
Dr. Zhi Jian Su


Dr Jian Su is a Fellow of Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners.

She has more than 20 year’s clinical experience in Australia and China.

She started clinical training in the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and completed GP training in Victoria. She has a Ph.D degree in medical research at the University of Adelaide.

Her family has a hobby farm with many different fruit trees and farm animals. Dr Su enjoys reading, book writing and gardening in her spare time.

Dr Jian Su speaks both English and Mandarin.

苏志坚医生,女,现为澳大利亚注册全科医生。在澳大利亚和中国从事临床医疗工作二十多年,有着丰富的临床工作经验。来澳后, 先后在皇家布里斯本和妇女儿童医院临床培训,在维多利亚州顺利完成全科医生培训。同时,她曾在阿德莱德大学获得医学研究博士学位。

苏医生擅长内科疾病及慢性病,常见妇科疾病, 儿科常见病,精神类疾病以及皮肤诊疗。苏医生能用流利的普通话和英语交流。
